Small Group Training Classes or Private Sessions
Personal Training
Private & Small Group Training Classes
We offer private or small group training classes to help you reconnect with exercise safely. Whether you’re looking for a one-to-one session or to train with friends, our professional trainers are ready to assist you in achieving your fitness goals.
Personal Training
Our personal training services at Claremont Club Fitness Gym offer tailored programs with professional trainers and gym instructors. Whether you’re looking to get back in shape after a long hibernation, work on your cardio strength, or start strength training, our private training can help you reach your goals. Our rates are specially priced to help you get started. Contact us today to find a trainer and start your fitness journey.
Save 20% as a member with our Jumpstart package & get three 30-minute private sessions for only $132.
Small Group Training (SGT)
We understand the importance of finding a trainer who can guide you on your fitness journey. Our small group training classes are designed to help you strength train and improve your overall wellness. In our small group training sessions, you can connect with like-minded individuals and receive personalized attention from our qualified trainers.
Contact Jay Raja at [email protected] or call (909) 625-6791 ext. 236 to get started on your small group training today.
Six 30-minute session package for $132 ($22/session) or
Eight 30-minute session package for $158 ($20/session)
Contact Wellness DIrector, Jay Raja to get started.
Email [email protected] or call (909) 625-6791 ext. 236
Power Plate

Power Plate (PP) was developed over 40 years ago for Russian Astronauts to counter the effects of zero gravity. PP produces a harmonic vibration that transfers to your body and results in rapid muscle contractions 25 to 50 times per sec. faster than on a non vibrating surface.
Power Plates are certified medical devices. This is a low impact, high intensity form of training that offers many benefits.
- Increase in Bone Density
- Increase in Muscle Strength and Power
- Aids in Fall Prevention
- Alleviates Pain
- Increases Flexibility
- Increase in Blood Circulation and Lymphatic Fluid
Note: Masks are no longer required indoors.

- Non-pharmaceutical option to bone and joint density
- Based on Wolff’s Law the principle demonstrating bone adaptation to applied pressure
- Compressive forces stimulate the growth of tendons and ligaments increasing the strength and stability of the joints
- Loads are self applied and regulated by the users comfort level
- 4 Exercises
- Core Pull (activates muscles of the core and lumbo-pelvic hip complex, also the lat and bicep)
- Chest Press (muscles of upper body)
- Leg Press (activates muscles of the lower body, quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves)
- Vertical Lift (upper and lower body)
- Clients meet once per week
Note: Masks are no longer required indoors.